Where Did I Go???

It's been a long while since I've posted an entry on this blog. Honestly, it's been a long time since I've even thought about it. A few months ago I made it a goal of mine to regularly update this thing. At the time, I thought it would be a good idea to write my feelings out since I'm always bottling everything up inside. I don't have many friends and the ones I do have, I rarely "open up" to them so that really wasn't an option. I needed an outlet. Music used to be a primary outlet for me but lately, I haven't been into it as much as I used to. Music was a place where I could express my feelings but as time went on, my words became more bland and my melodies were less creative. The quality of my output was going to the shitter. I was writing about the same topic and the same situation over and over again. I grew tired of it. I wanted to write about new and different things but I couldn't. I guess a lot has to do with what's happening in my life. There is nothing happening which might explain no inspiration. It's been a really long time since I've been excited about anything. It shouldn't be this way. In the last couple years, I've made a lot of progress in my life and have taken myself places I never thought I'd go a couple years ago. With that, I feel a lot less happier and more drained than ever. It doesn't make much sense to me but maybe it does... I keep trying though. I haven't given up yet.

Okay...I explained why I started to blog again a few months ago but I haven't explained why I stopped. There are two reasons that I can think of. One, less than a week after I posted my last entry, my computer crashed and I was without a working computer for almost two weeks. When I got my comp back up and running, my blog was the last thing on my mind. There was also a situation with a woman but that's for another time. A second reason for my absence is the way I write. I take forever to type up a blog entry or an e-mail. I get too concerned with grammar and the way it will sound to others instead of just putting my words out there and not caring about the little imperfections. I'm getting better at it and this particular entry hasn't taken as long as some of my past ones so far.

Overall I would love to blog more often but like everything else I want to do, I let the petty things get in the way of my pursuit. I really really need to work on that.



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